Friday, 12 August 2011

How Hot Should Water Be to Clean Hair?

Use Hot Water For A Deep Cleaning

  • Hot water breaks up oil and product build-up on hair
    Using hot water--as hot as is comfortable--will open pores and break up oils near the scalp. The warmer the water, the more oils will break down and be carried away with a rinse. If the hair has extra product or oil on it, hotter water may be the best choice for a thorough cleaning.

Too Much Hot Water Can Be Harmful

  • The ends of long hair need protection from heat
    Using hot water on a regular basis is generally not recommended. If too much of the natural oil is stripped away, then the skin of the scalp could become dry. Also, too much heat--whether from hot water, hot curlers or hair dryers--will eventually cause damage to the individual hairs, causing breaks and split ends. This is a greater concern for those with long hair that is not trimmed as often.

Bottom Line

  • The temperature used at most salons for shampooing is lukewarm to warm. For everyday washing--or every other day, as some recommend for preserving natural oils--warm water allows much of the dirt and oils to be carried away, without adding enough heat to dry out the scalp or damage the hair. For extra shine, follow with a cool-water rinse to "lock in" moisture from conditioner and close up hair follicles on the scalp.
Source: Ehow Style

Friday, 5 August 2011

What is Hair?

Hair forms part of the integumentry system of the body, consisting of hair, skin, nails and sweat and oil glands that act as a barrier to protect the body from the outside world.

Humans are covered all over in hair, except on the palms of the hands, the soles of the feet, and the lips. Hair is most obvious on the head and face (including the nose and ears in some people), the armpits, the groin, legs and in men, the chest.

Humans have much less visible hair than do other primates like apes and monkeys. Surprisingly, however, a square centimetre of human skin carries a greater number of hair-producing sites (called follices) than the same area of the skin of other primates. We have lost the requirement for insulating our bodies, and presumably the hair which animals need for this.

Hair is a remarkably tough material. It can stand up to considerable abuse, but over time this can wreak havoc with its natural properties. In particular, its porosity can be badly affected, so that it breaks easily and cannot be styled satisfactorily.

Hair is Tough But....

On the other hand, we can recognize hair that is in good condition. It shines, it is easy to manage - it just looks good. Even though the hair shaft is technically 'dead', in that its cells are no longer dividing, we may describe it as 'healthy'. So why can its properties change so much that the hair loses this 'healthy' appearance?

Sometimes this may be due to a medical condition such as poor nutrition: starvation or anaemia due to a lack of protein in the diet can damage the hair. In famine conditions, some people's hair changes as it grows from black to gingery-red if they cannot get enough protein.

We have seen that in older people hair may not be able to grow as long as it used to, and may become thinner and lose its pigmentation. It might be thought to be less healthy. But it can still maintain its structure, and indeed many elderly people have beautiful hair.

Probably the most obvious aspect of healthy hair is its shine - its ability to reflect light. This property depends mainly on the cuticle of the hair shaft, and how intact it is.

The appearance of the hair is the one feature of the body over which humans, unlike other primates, can have direct control. You can change the length, shape, color and style of your hair (including, for men, facial hair) according to the age you wish to appear, and the economic and social status you want to claim.

The style, length and condition of hair all play a part in how we perceive the people we meet.

Hair care - Preventing damage

Hair is 'dead', and we cannot permanently repair any damage that happens to it. You only get one chance with your hair! This is why it is so important to treat your hair properly, so as to prevent damage. Adopt a good hair care routine.

If you are to get the best possible results from your hair care routine, you need to choose the correct shampoo and conditioner for your hair. These products should contain natural ingredients.

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

How Switching Hair Styles Can Boost Self Esteem

If you’re like most women then you probably like to improve your look with a variety of hair stylesHairstyles not only improve your look, but can also boost your self-esteem. If you’ve been feeling down in the dumps lately and feel like your confidence is at an all-time low, the best thing you can do might just be to head to your favorite salon.

The Importance of Hair Style

If you want to enhance your physical appearance, then there is no doubt that your hair style is one of the factors that you should consider. In fact, if you flip through beauty magazines or watch entertainment programs, you will see how much emphasis the media puts on the ever-changing hair styles of celebrities. To look your most attractive, it is simply not enough to have the right outfit, makeup or accessories. Your hair style is one of the things that people will notice about you, so it’s important that you work on it.
The importance of a good hair style goes beyond improving your appearance. Your hairstyle can also affect the way other people perceive you. For instance, if you regularly go to work with disheveled and unkempt hair, then you will give off the impression that you’re someone who does not prioritize grooming or even hygiene. Your hair style also plays a big role in your level of confidence. Try to remember the last time you had a bad hair day. Didn’t you spend the day feeling self conscious and uncomfortable?

Choosing the Best Hair Style

Now that you know how important hair styles are, it’s time to determine which one will help you look your best. It’s not enough to tell your stylist that you want to look beautiful. It’s important that you know what you want to achieve with your new hair style. The more specific you are, the more your stylist will be able to give you the best look. Before heading down to the salon, determine first what hair style will look best on you.

Know Your Face Shape

Tie your hair back and stand in front of a mirror. Now begin examining your face to find out what your face shape is. Your face shape is the biggest factor to consider when choosing a new hair style. If your face has the ideal oval shape, then you are one of the lucky ones who can try any hair style. If you have a long face then you can balance it with shoulder-length hair styles. If you prefer longer styles, get one with plenty of layers. If you have a full and round face, then your hair style should extend below your chin. Layers around your cheeks can also make your face look slimmer. Try to avoid chin-length cuts and bangs, because these can make your face look fuller. If you have a square-shaped face then your goal should be to soften it. You can do so by choosing hairstyles with waves and curls. When going for a layered look, keep the layers within the same length as your jawline. Shoulder-length hair with layers below the chin looks best if you have a heart-shaped face.